2010 Conoco Phillips Houston Rodeo Run 10K |
2009 Conoco Phillips Houston Rodeo Run 5K |
Have you ever hit a 1 year milestone and looked back on that year? Thinking of the road blocks and the struggles...but then realize if it weren't for those, you wouldn't be where your at right at this moment? That was February for me. February was my 1 year anniversary for running. It may not sound like a big deal, but you don't understand...I never ran. I never played sports. I never walked outside, other than an outdoor mall. It was pathetic...but "was" is the keyword. I'm no longer that person. I'm part of that group that knows what it feels like to roll out of bed and hit the dirt trail (or sometimes the treadmill) and feel that sense of calm. Where all you can think about is "why am i doing this?!" not "ugh I'm so stressed out, I have to do ____ &____ and try to fit in _____ today". I say it's an elite group because only those who run know exactly what I'm talking about...and if you don't...try it. I plan on continuing my running journey, because so far I've completed a few 5k's, 1-10k, 1-1/2 marathon and I plan on completeing a full marathon...